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Unfortunate SDK Accident (fixed)

Posted by Nicolas in Lamentation

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Believe me, we’d really like to add some news on this front page, but I got an unfortunate accident with my Source SDK. Today, without any warning, it just stopped working. When opening up the Source SDK Launcher, there’s nothing I can do anymore. It opens correctly, but I can’t click anymore on the tools. If I try to double-click on Hammer Editor, Model Viewer or Face Poser, the SDK Launcher just stops itself without any error message and without launching the corresponding application.

This is not the first time the Source SDK stops working… but this is the first time it does not display any error message. I tried the usual stuff: Refresh SDK Content, Reset Game Configurations, Defragment Cache Files, Verify Integrity of Tool Cache, Restart Steam, Reboot Windows, Delete the ClientRegistry.blob, uninstall and reinstall the Source SDK GCFs, delete everything SDK-related in Steam and reinstall everything from scratch… I even deleted the whole Valve preferences from the registry. So far no change.

I used the SDK for a few hours and it stopped working when I tried to relaunch Hammer using a different game configuration. The only thing I did before it stopped working is install the Dawn of War II Demo (but I doubt this was related, I uninstalled it just to be sure). There was also a Steam update released at the same time… I really don’t know what to do, if some of you already faced the same problem someday and know what to do, please post in the comments or send an email to, I really need it to finish the fifth map of the campaign…

Edit April 18:
I just entirely uninstalled Steam and reinstalled it only with Source SDK to witness that it doesn’t change anything. I’m now completely stuck.

Edit April 19:
Mokay, I uninstalled Steam again, trashed ALL the GCFs (sigh), deleted the whole Valve registry key, cleaned the computer with TuneUp, and installed everything back from scratch (40 GB of GCFs to download, sigh) and things seems to be working again. Thanks to the people who tried to help there and via e-mail, much appreciated.


14 Responses to “Unfortunate SDK Accident (fixed)”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! Hope you get it fixed soon.

  2. MisterJ says:

    je doute que ça règle ton problème mais peut-être créé l’icone direct de hammer sur le bureau :

    ou peut-être mettre la classique réponse quand le source sdk plante (peut-être juste l’essayer, ça te permettra de ciblé le problème si ça peut régler quoi que se soit) :—questions-frequentes.html#r2188732

    sinon je soupçonne un problème du a ton taponnage de l4d sur le source sdk.

    je soupçonne également que steam a peut-être mis a jour le source sdk sur certains lignes de commandes en attendant l’arrivé du sdk l4d qui arrive bientôt.

    je soupçonne aussi que tu as peut-être activé une quelconque beta dans ton profil steam (peut-être un ayant rapport au sdk) et que ça te créé des bugs. va dans ton profil et enlève toute participation au beta de steam.

    voila c’est tout ce que je peux faire pour toi… mais je creins fortement que ça n’a rien foutu ! Parce que tu n’as pas l’air d’un con dans ce domaine et que tu en connais plus que moi là-dessus.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I really hope you get it fixed. I’m really looking forward to this campaign, and I mean really.

    Too bad I don’t have much experience with the SDK.

    Good luck solving the problem.

  4. Roque says:

    Tried to download the SDK with your account on another PC? Maybe this will help to identify the problem.

  5. Nicolas says:

    No, but I did the contrary. Downloaded the SDK with another account on the same computer, and it works. I wasn’t able to locate what was the difference between each account, so I erased Steam entirely and I’m now waiting for it to be downloaded again.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Delete all registry entries for Steam and SDK, along with all residue steam files.

    Make sure you run Steam in Admin mode.

    No idea if this helps, but I thought I’d chime in.

  7. Rachel says:

    throw pc out of window,
    burn in a ritual, buy a new one, install!


    Format disk, reinstall windows, works every time ;P

  8. Glad to see it’s all working again. :D

    Oh by the way is it ok if I ask when the forums will be open?


  9. Nicolas says:

    Forums will open when we’ll release a beta version and will need a support to gather feedback.

  10. Ah Ok. Will the beta be private and restricted or will it be public?


  11. Nicolas says:

    The beta will most probably be private, we have far enough friends to test it in a closed environment. But nothing’s really decided for the moment.

  12. Geoffroy says:

    Nothing is really decided yet, but a private beta test should more convenient I suppose ;)

  13. Anonymous says:

    check your RAM if it’s ok !
    Probably a slot is defective…

    Do you have a good pc ?

  14. @Anon: It’s been solved. ;)