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I Hate Mountains is the best looking custom add-on campaign you will find for Left 4 Dead 1. —Glenn (

Oh boy, is it already June 2010?

Posted by Nicolas in Progress


I can’t believe we’re already the 4th of June 2010.
Guess what happens today…
at some point of the day…
later this evening…
around 8pm GMT…


96 Responses to “Oh boy, is it already June 2010?”

  1. Nogoodnms says:


  2. Name (required) says:

    Isn’t this actually June 3rd today? Or have I gone insane?

  3. Nogoodnms says:

    nah, they live in france

  4. ASD says:

    !!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!

  5. exploderator says:

    OK, I’m turning blue…

  6. exploderator says:

    inhales…. hmf…

  7. evil says:

    I’m looking for this very long time……

    please release !!!!!!!

  8. jacob martin says:

    oh god. cant you just tell us if it will release. Cuz i would even skip a few classes for this shit lol

  9. James Curtis says:

    Okay, one of you must play with me…any one of you fans (or devs)…haha! :D I’m so excited! I love you, IHM team!

  10. Xitis says:

    J’ai suivi le développement de cette campagne avec intérêt depuis le tout début, j’ai maintenant très hâte de voir la finalité de tout ceci =)
    Que du bon à prévoir!

  11. Spud says:

    Why do I have to be at work that night?!

  12. DEFme says:

    I am very exciting. Good luck, and here’s to hoping everything goes according to planned and smoothly.

  13. vince says:

    awesome dudes!
    bon boulot, bcp de passion, respect!

  14. chilly says:

    Yes! I have been waiting since this was first announced! Great job and I can’t wait to try it out with some friends :) Thank you so so much.

  15. Cameron:D says:

    Tomorrow morning I might be waking up to the sweet scent of awesome.

  16. James Curtis says:

    Wow, Nicolas, I can almost smell the awesomeness oozing out of every hole in tour amazing head…Keep up the awesome work! :D

  17. =D says:

    I’ve been coming back to the site, like, 3 or 4 times a day for more than a week !
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! *spins to G-loc on his rotating chair*

  18. Benedict says:

    It would be better to release at 12 noon GMT so that Europeans can download before the USA. By waiting until 8pm you risk the servers being overloaded surely. Either way – looking forward to this immensely.

    • Cameron:D says:

      I have a web server in the US, I did offer to mirror it too, Once I download it I’ll upload it there (Assuming I’m allowed too) that might settle those people from the US down :3

    • Nicolas says:

      Yeah, but you know… we’re kinda working at 12 noon GMT.
      We can’t just take a day off work for this.

  19. Engineer123 says:

    Very excited about IHM !
    Hopefully it doesn’t get another “Dead before dawn” release.

  20. Sebh says:

    Good luck with the release!!!!!! :)
    I want to play it this night!

  21. VKDemon says:

    This is gonna be hot night!!
    Congrats to you guys!!

  22. mendoza says:

    It’s gonna be LEGENDARY! :D

  23. Jildaz says:

    Enorme boulot, ça a l’air tout simplement génial.

    L4D premier du nom, et aussi L4D2 ou pas?

    Bonne chance à vous pour la sortie de la campagne et pour la suite!

  24. Congratulations to you all ! Our community is really looking forward to this collaboration.
    We’ll have it loaded up to both Chicago servers asap.

  25. Black Percy says:

    Thanks guys !!
    This certainly looks like the best campaign ever.