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One of the things really worth mentioning [...] is the environmental details. It is truly captivating, the solitary lanterns and the fireflies combined with the ambient sounds give it a unique beyond-realistic atmosphere. —The_Garden (

One awesome co-op experience

Posted by Marc in Media

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Over the last weeks, we watched a lot of people playing the campaign and we learn from their mistakes by fixing things here and there in the campaign. Now these guys I’m gonna link you right after are just the kings of awesomeland. We watched their videos together and we were literally laughing our asses off in front of our computers. Seriously, if you had to watch one walkthrough of the I Hate Mountains campaign, be it this one! Thanks to them for sharing a good moment, this is what all I Hate Mountains co-op plays should be.


18 Responses to “One awesome co-op experience”

  1. James Freeman says:

    Oh man I’ve been watching Kilplix and friends playthroughs for months now, they are great. If you ever get the chance go and watch some of their other stuff, you won’t regret it.

  2. Jonna says:

    Awww, I’m glad that you enjoyed watching us! We certainly enjoyed playing. Thank you so much for making such an excellent campaign! It’s so good that we played it two nights in a row.

  3. Kilplix says:

    Wow guys, Really feels good you liked our play through that much, I really appreciate it. this is definitely a highlight for us.

    Glad you liked it, and thanks!

  4. JedediahJ says:

    It was so gitty when I seen the videos on the site here you would have thought Jonna was singing jiggly puff.

  5. Vanardia says:

    This map is worth playin’. You guys gave me a new reason why Left 4 Dead should be known worldwide, and that reason is gamers can play awesome maps made by people like you. Thanks for making this map, I really enjoyed my gaming time in there. Keep it up.

  6. kondor7 says:

    Hilarious videos !
    I love at the end of the last one when you are searching for a boat, a chooper and finnaly the plane and “oh noooes a T-A-N-K !!”.

    I enjoyed watching the whole campaign done by you with your comments.

    Amazing detailed levels (I love I manor and underground levels). You guys deserved to have greats holydays !!

    Un gros bravo à vous pour ces heures sur Hammer qui m’ont fait réinstaller L4D !!

  7. glubbar says:

    Yay love~

  8. Evil assss says:

    how do you download this map…. im mean where is the botton there it says ”download”?

  9. Autumn says:

    I really wish I had the PC version of L4D so I could play custom maps, especially this one!

  10. W@ffle Burger says:

    I heard that Francis likes this Campaign. Must mean it’s the best one ever!! :3

  11. bordo says:

    Hello! A stupid question: how do I launch this game? I’ve downloaded and copied the vpk file, as in the readme, but i don’t know how to launch this game. Thank you in advance and have a nice day.

  12. bordo says:

    Nobody knows the answer?

  13. J_D_Stagpump says:

    Is there A difference between U.S. and EU versions of L4D as the sound effects and outline highlight colours are different in the vids than my version?????

  14. wev says:

    l4d2 update

    Authoring Tools
    VPK files now support their own sound.cache file.
    Use the command “snd_buildsoundcachefordirectory ” to create the sound.cache file that you should include when you create your vpk file.

  15. HeiYSK sweet template

  16. Aaw some says:

    HEY guys, we were running the campaign last night, no problems having fun. But when we reached lumberyard , there were no containers to be “magnetized” and launched against the house… so we got stucked there. Crane comes down, and thats it. Do you have any suggestion?