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Ever since L4D2 first came out, I have been physically unable to bring myself to play L4D1 again, up till now. —The_Garden (

Is anyone there ?

Posted by Nicolas in Lamentation, Media, Progress

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Hi back, I’m writing this from home, where I’m constrained since a few weeks… It’s been a terrible mess recently and we kind of lost our goal with this campaign. As I’m writing, I don’t really know where my team mates are and I don’t really know if they’re still working on their part of the campaign since I didn’t had any news for a few weeks. I became sort of Internet-anonymous in the past few weeks and didn’t bother much about anything else than my health.

Anyway, we’re not out of business. I was already done working on my maps when the accident happened, so I wasn’t even delayed. Last time I talked to Geoffroy, he was still working on his map and I don’t really know what Marc is doing for the moment. The point is that we’re really close to completion, it must be something like 85 or 90%, but we definitely need to refocus and clean the mess to restart the motivation machine.

With Left 4 Dead 2 coming along gently and some really creative campaigns starting to pop up from everywhere, we perfectly know we’re a bit endangered right now. We’ll talk about this a bit later and report here once done. In the mean time, if you know about some very good Left 4 Dead campaigns, feel free to post some links in the comments, I was out of business for a few weeks and probably missed some good things.

I know this article doesn’t sound really good at first, but that’s the way it is. And for the moment, we never even though about canceling everything (Ok, maybe once or twice in a desperate moment). We know it’s been more than two months, and boy… that was some terrible two months. But stay tuned, or just grab the RSS feed to avoid missing something. We’re not giving up yet!


46 Responses to “Is anyone there ?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Keep working. Don't let this one die :(

  2. Anonymous says:

    great job so far, this is the campaign our community has been waiting for.

  3. Anonymous says:

    what accident?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Keep up the good work, can't wait to play it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well, I just hope it will be done before… dunno. Before "Dead Before Dawn" comes out?
    *follow instruction of news*;=package&Itemid;=2&packageId;=612
    Heaven can wait – nice, tricky campaign with five maps, including working finale. Some performance-problems at map 2, 3 and 4 but still nice. Coop only.;=package&Itemid;=2&packageId;=156
    Death Aboard – I guess, everyone should know this campaign. Coop and Versus.

  6. Davey says:

    i would like to suggest "Dam It", dono about it now but wheni recently played it it was a really long final map with awesome graphics and design, imo really worth giving a try to.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Indeed, i'm also waiting for this campaign to go live. I was really hyped so far.
    So i hope you guys get it done.
    Don't give up!
    Best wishes from me. ;)

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hope everything goes well!

  9. Anonymous says:

    je plussoie, Death Aboard et Heaven can Wait sont deux excellentes campagnes à tester absolument

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why don't you guys team up with l4dmods or l4dmaps or something. There's only a handful of people who actually know of this site. Both those sites get well over 500k users per month. I think you should contact them and give them like a preview or something to give you guys some publicity. When you release this, I don't think enough people will know about it to make it a popular campaign without the help of the bigger fansites. It looks great though, I'll definately be playing this. Also, how will you distribute this campaign? Death Aboard used over 20 terabytes of bandwidth. I doubt you guys have that much available to spread the campaign over the net. Anyway, good luck mates and really, do contact those fansites to get you some publicity.

  11. Nicolas says:

    Hey mate, I released Portal: Prelude before and it used more than one petabytes of bandwidth. We perfectly know what we have to do, it's just not the correct moment yet :)

  12. churrasco says:

    Yes, we are here. I've been checking this website almost daily for updates since I came to know it.

    I hope everything works out. I looks great so far.

  13. Cthulhu says:

    Pleaseeeee, don't let "I hate mountains" die.
    I enter on your site every day to check news, and this is a bad one.

    Take your time and forget release dates (you are not a videogame company)

    I love your Portal Prelude and I hope love IHM when released.


  14. vince&emi says:

    content de voir que ca va mieux

  15. Andre says:

    You know. I was thinking about this situation.

    And I think your campaign needs an story.

    Portal Prelude had a story (sucess)
    L4d-2 will have a story (sucess)

    Dead Before Dawn has a story (The Movie dawn of the dead) – sucess or great chances of hitting it.

    "Last Scape" has an story.

    Biohazard has an story (resident evil).

    Having a story make your campaign alive and give a script direction, i think.

    Death aboard is good, and have a subtly story of escaping a prison and going to an island.

    So that is my thinking. Good look to you.
    And maybe a story for your campaign :)


  16. Andre says:

    success, not sucess, i spelled wrong.

  17. Nicolas says:

    What made you think we didn't had a story ?

  18. DEFme says:

    Keep up the great work guys! Please don't give up! Hope your better now Nicolas. Round up the troops and conquer your, I Hate Mountains, quest! :)

  19. daworm says:

    Not a campaign but an awesome survival map coming out very Very VERY soon (I hope)

    Follow this thread:;=3201

    Hope this is done soon! Need some more new creative and varied campaigns, what I have so far is lacking unfortunately =(

  20. Anonymous says:

    I really have high hopes for this campaign don't stop now! :)

  21. Zac-UK says:

    The Bioh4zard2 Team are glad to see you back in action!

    Holy Moley! That manor is amazing! Its like the creepiness of the Blood Harvest Farm house x 100! The interior looks great, love the window boards.

    I wouldn't worry about going commando over the last few weeks, i know how that feels, just pull through!

    I'm also wondering about how L4D2 will affect campaigns, we can only wait and see, but I have an itchy feeling that there is something out there…waiting to screw us up.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Keep working on it! We're rooting for you guys. ;)

  23. b3r53rk3r says:

    well I played Portal: Prelude some time ago and it was amazing :) So I'm sure that "I hate mountains" will be definitely worth waiting:)

  24. Wow! that looks pretty good!

    Health is more important so take care ;)

    You guys know how to do maps with logic and good gameplay, so you have my inconditional support!

  25. DZJB says:

    Don't give up man! I know this campaign is going to rock! After Prelude I'm pretty much convinced that your work will please a lot of people.
